Learn Android in Hindi

by Suren Tech Lab



The goal of this app is to help all the students and IT professionals who want to make Android mobile app and want to learn Android Studio, here all your information of Android has been provided in Hindi. You can understand Hindi easily and quickly.Contents: ►Introduction►Android Development Tools►Installing Android Studio►Android Studio►Android Components►AndroidManifest.xml File►Resources►ActivityErvicesServicesRoadBroadcast Receiver►Content ProviderRagFragments►Intents►ViewsAyLayouts►MenusUttButtons►Toasts►Text Fields►SpinnersIalDialogs►NotificationsEarchSearch Interface►File SystemToStorage System►Networking►MultimediaThis app can also be used without internet!Android brands are property of their respective owners. company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.I hope you like this app. If you want to share your thoughts or give any suggestion then you can mail.Free Educational Apps for nationBySurendra tetarwalSikar (Raj) India